yearning for yarn : my knitlog
Tuesday, December 27, 2005 4:19 PM
At the heel

The socks, they do progress. I've started the heel, using the contrast colour, and hope to have it finished tonight -- or maybe a little farther along if I'm really ambitious (or not really lazy). I'm alone for dinner -- Mom and Len are going to a hockey game (and I'd rather stick hot needles in my eyes than go to a hockey game), so for me it's a question of what siren call to answer....will it be knitting and watching tv, cruising blogs, or playing on EQ2.

Decisions, decisions.

As for the socks themselves, I don't know. I'm really not satisfied with the pattern, especially the jacquard sections. But I'm not going to frog it again. I tried several combinations of stitches to find the one that would line up the pattern best -- but this is about as good as it gets. It's not so bad -- and there's the slightest chance that I'm just too critical of my own work -- but still I'm not happy with them. I will, however, finish them. At the worst, they'll be nice to wear around the house.


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