yearning for yarn : my knitlog
Friday, December 30, 2005 7:21 PM
Progress is progress
Though I didn't spend a lot of time on it today (so far), I'm pleased with the progress of the scarf so far. I'm at about 33" and though I don't think I'll have enough yarn to hit the suggested length of 55", I think I'll be within 5" or so. I wouldn't mind having more of the yarn, both to make the scarf full size and to maybe add a hat -- but this was a stash buster, so it ony gets what it gets. I like the scarf pattern so much, that I plan on making several others -- all from stash.

One thing about my stash, it contains very little "good" yarn. Most of it is, well, cheap. I have worked with "good" fiber on occasion, and there definitely can be a difference, so I've decided it will be my reward. When I clear out a portion of the stash, I can buy some really nice stuff. But I have to hold myself to at least a 2:1 stash clear to new purchase ratio or I'm never going to get anywhere!


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