yearning for yarn : my knitlog
Saturday, April 22, 2006 8:33 AM
Quiz time
You scored as Elinor Dashwood. As Marianne's older sister, Elinor lives at the other end of the emotional spectrum. She rarely reveals her intense feelings and is more concerned with being honest and loyal than having what she deserves. Even though her intentions are pure, she sets herself up for loss by constantly placing other people before her own needs. Overall, Elinor is gentle and rational but is just as capable of radical emotions (despite her withholding them) as her sister.

Elinor Dashwood


Elizabeth Bennet


Charlotte Lucas


Jane Bennet


Marianne Dashwood


Emma Woodhouse


Lady Catherine


Which Jane Austen Character are You? (For Females) Long Quiz!!!
created with
Monday, April 03, 2006 10:57 PM
Alive and knitting

I'm still alive, and still knitting -- though completely distracted from my Christmas list (already!) and my charity knitting (quelle surprise!). I've whipped up a present for an online friend who (along with his wife) is expecting their first baby in June.

It's a little weird in that I've never had a conversation with his wife, but I play an online game with him (and I play way too much, but that's another story). Anyway, I mentioned to him one day that the next day I'd be going to a "yarn show" which he found greatly amusing. After trying to explain the whole thing to him, I told him I'd make him something for the baby & send it on the condition that he cleared it with his wife first. The last thing I want was for her to be upset or feel awkward by some Canadian woman sending gifts to her baby via her husband who only knows her via the Internet. He says he did and that his wife is looking forward to the gift, so one more bootie & a little sewing of seams and it will be ready to go.
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